Suave Theme for Go Launcher Ex v2.08 apk
Suave Theme for Go Launcher Ex v2.08 apk
Requirements: Android 2.0 and up
Overview: Suave HD Icons theme for Go Launcher EX. 1000+ applications themed!!!
This package contains more than 750 application icon replacement and it's in continuous development!
To use this theme you'll need Go Launcher Ex installed.
All icons are 96x96 px, just optimized for xhdpi screens (nexus 4, 7 etc...).
This is a port of the Suave theme for Go Launcher Ex. So, beside many applications icons created by me, design credits should go to Thyraz and pat974!
This package contains more than 1000 application icon replacement and it's in continuous development!
To use this pack you'll need Go Launcher Ex, Nova or Apex Launcher installed.
So, if you find some problem feel free to report and I'll be happy to fix them. Enjoy! 
If you find bugs or have suggestions, DO NOT post them as comments. I can't reply to those.
So, if you have problem, request etc please email me or use the XDA thread.
What's New
- more fixes;
- kitkat apps added;
- few icons added (10);
- if you have request please email me;
This app has no advertisements
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